What is Hair Color Correction?

Have you ever experienced a poor color treatment that you wanted to fix? Hair color correction is the solution to tone down brassiness, coloring your hair a darker shade or lightening your hair a few shades. Which color correction is best for you depends on the color treatment that needs to be fixed.
There are a few different ways that poor color treatment can occur- box dyeing your hair at home or through an unexpected result from a salon. Or maybe you typically bleach your hair, but it has been a while since your last appointment, and your hair has morphed into an unusual and unwanted shade. Color correction can damage hair so it is best left to the professionals.
How Soon Can a Color Correction Occur?
You are likely to realize quickly that your hair dyeing went awry and that you need to fix it as soon as possible. The health of your hair may require you to wait a few weeks before fixing a botched hair coloring. Seeking the opinion of a professional stylist will help you evaluate what color correction your hair may need and help devise a plan for that correction, whether the color was done in error at home or by another stylist.
Depending on the level of damage from the botched hair coloring, you may need a minor update, which can be done with a quick fix salon appointment, but if your hair damage was caused by bleach or other harsh chemicals, the correction appointment should be postponed and may need to be spread out over the next few weeks or even months.
Due to the harsh chemicals used during a color correction treatment, a professional hair stylist should perform this procedure. Your hair can be damaged further from the harsh chemicals if this procedure is not done properly. Hair color correction can take upwards of 6 hours to be done in a salon.
Hair Color Correction Options
Three different types of color correction exist. Each correction is used differently to counteract what was originally done to your hair.
Color correction using bleach
Hair strands have a multitude of color pigments that create the overall color of your hair. If you have had a bleach job done incorrectly, you could end up with yellow or stark orange tones. This typically happens when bleach is not left on the hair long enough to lift the hair pigments.
When fixing an error made by bleach, a week or so should be waited before color correction in order to let your hair recover. After that week, a professional can lighten and tone your hair.
Color correction using dye
The easiest and quickest way to correct color is by using hair dye to darken the color shade. Your stylist can add pigment to your strands to add depth and vibrancy. This may take several dye sessions before achieving the desired look.
Color correction using toner
If your hair color has resulted in brassy tones, a hair toner can be used to cancel it out. Which toner color your stylist uses will depend on the brassy tone of your hair (orange or yellow). If you have orange tones, you should use a blue toner or shampoo, and if you have yellow tones, a purple toner or shampoo should be used.
A professional hairstylist can perform a toner treatment for those looking to maintain cool tones in between necessary bleaching appointments.
Fixing Different Hair Colors
You’ve gotten your hair colored, and it’s now been a few weeks. You notice things aren’t looking like they should, and you see some unwanted tones appearing in your new color. That can be fixed at home or with the help of a professional.
Correction of Yellowish Hues
Yellow issues can be combated by using a purple toner, which will bring out the cooler, ashy tones.
Correction of Brassy Orange Hues
The use of a blue shampoo or conditioner will get rid of, and prevent brassiness from coming back.
Correction of Dark Color
Using a clarifying shampoo can lighten up a hair color that is just too dark for your liking. A professional bleach treatment is needed to go several shades lighter.
Our Professional Stylists Can Help Correct Your Color
Bad hair color can happen, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep it! The professional stylists at Aveda Bethesda Salon and Spa can help correct your botched hair color and get you looking like perfection. Call or email us today to book your color correction appointment.